The Corporate Ladder’s not for me,
I’d rather prune or plant a tree.
Chasing targets, chasing promotion,
Better car, no emotion.
A truer yardstick there has to be,
By which we measure what we reap.
The world of ladders only takes,
Our soul is given to the snakes
But what’s your problem, don’t you see,
Like all the rest you’ve got to be.
You must keep up or you’ll be undone,
If you can’t go shopping, where’s the fun.
Where does it stop, now there’s the rub,
You need a big house to be in this club.
Just knuckle down, you must comply,
Make sure you’re rich before you die.
Consumed by Fear we must progress,
Our time dictates, there’s no redress.
Climb the Ladders, beware the Snakes,
A burning ambition is all it takes.
Love thy neighbour, but not too much,
You know were charity begins in this gold rush.
Onwards and upwards, no time to stop,
Just make sure you avoid the drop.
This new religion has an APR,
Subject to status for a shinier car.
Cash back deals, now there’s the bait,
Nothing to pay ‘til two thousand and eight.
This system relies on your addictions,
Its myths just fuel your predilections.
So why not stop and take a breather,
Drop in for tea, it’d be good to see ya’.
I’d rather prune or plant a tree.
Chasing targets, chasing promotion,
Better car, no emotion.
A truer yardstick there has to be,
By which we measure what we reap.
The world of ladders only takes,
Our soul is given to the snakes
But what’s your problem, don’t you see,
Like all the rest you’ve got to be.
You must keep up or you’ll be undone,
If you can’t go shopping, where’s the fun.
Where does it stop, now there’s the rub,
You need a big house to be in this club.
Just knuckle down, you must comply,
Make sure you’re rich before you die.
Consumed by Fear we must progress,
Our time dictates, there’s no redress.
Climb the Ladders, beware the Snakes,
A burning ambition is all it takes.
Love thy neighbour, but not too much,
You know were charity begins in this gold rush.
Onwards and upwards, no time to stop,
Just make sure you avoid the drop.
This new religion has an APR,
Subject to status for a shinier car.
Cash back deals, now there’s the bait,
Nothing to pay ‘til two thousand and eight.
This system relies on your addictions,
Its myths just fuel your predilections.
So why not stop and take a breather,
Drop in for tea, it’d be good to see ya’.