Calling all Lunatics ....There will be loads of stuff going on at Regfest this year. Loads! So much in fact that I can't even remember the half of it. The half I do have some recollection of includes live music from Regfest regulars Ghost Trains, Glastonbury veteran Chris Whiting and his band. Dj's Maverick and Massive (aka Ian Light and DJ Lolita) and hopefully Lazlos Diary. And that's just almost half of the stuff we do know about. The stuff being organised in advance. What is unknown, and therefore maybe even more brilliant than the known, is what might happen as a result of getting lots of really great people to congregate in a place of spectacular natural beauty for....wait for it.... are you ready?....
A Full Moon! Only two full moons this year fall on Saturdays and one of them is the 29th of August. So if you believe in any of that Woo Woo shit - like brilliant stuff happens on a full moon - then get down to Regfest this August Bank Holiday. Stuff will definitely happen and you won't want to miss it.